
User study

We conducted a user study to verify that Mavo can be used by HTML & CSS authors with little or no programming experience. You can read about the results in our paper [TBD] and you can find the study materials below.

User study materials


Predefined app 1: Decisions

Starting point | Finished app


  1. Make it possible to edit the reason for and against listed, their weights, and the question
  2. Make it possible to add more reasons for and against going to this party.
  3. Make the number next to the weight dynamically update as I edit the weight
  4. Add a class on the <li> depending on the weight inside it (weight-1, weight-2, ..., weight-5) to highlight important items
  5. Make the count of pros & cons dynamically update. Just how many pros and how many cons, the weights don't matter for this.
  6. Make the score dynamically update (sum of weights of pros - sum of weights of cons)
  7. Make the answer dynamic: Show "Yes" if the score is positive, "No" if it's negative and "Maybe" if it's 0.
  8. Make the header class dynamic, depending on the answer (currently "answer-Maybe").
  9. Make it possible to make decisions about multiple things.
  10. Make the count of good and bad decisions dynamic

Predefined app 2: Foodie log

Starting point | Finished app


  1. Make it possible to edit the information of the restaurant listed (name, picture, url, date of visit, reason of visit, notable dish, rating)
  2. Make the header background image dynamic (should be the same as the restaurant's picture)
  3. Make it possible to add more dishes eaten.
  4. Make the number next to the rating dynamically update as I edit the rating.
  5. Make the count of dishes update dynamically (currently 1)
  6. Make the visit rating dynamic (average of dish ratings)
  7. Make it possible to add more visits.
  8. Make the count of visits update dynamically (currently 1)
  9. Make the restaurant rating dynamic (take an average of the average ratings of each visit that was computed in Step 6)
  10. Make the tooltip of the restaurant rating dynamic (currently "Overall rating: 4")
  11. Make it possible to add more restaurants.
  12. Make the count of good restaurants (rating > 3) and all restaurants dynamic